Drupal Pills
Joan Galtés i Moreno

Afegiu serveis i funcionalitats addicionals a la vostra instal·lació DDEV amb ddev get

Trobeu a faltar alguna cosa al vostre DDEV? Alguna eina que abans hi era i ara no hi és? En aquesta Drupal Pill us mostrarem com afegir serveis i funcionalitats addicionals de manera ràpida i senzilla.

I es que, de vegades, l'equip de DDEV afegeix i/o treu serveis o add-ons a cada nova versió. L'exemple més clar que ara se'm ve a la memòria és phpMyAdmin. No és que sigui la millor manera d'inspeccionar una base de dades, però segur que hi ha algú que el troba a faltar. I és aquí on ens endinsarem en la comanda de la qual us volia parlar en aquesta Drupal Pill: ddev get.

Aquesta comanda permet descarregar i instal·lar serveis i add-ons de tercers i afegir-los a la vostra instal·lació de DDEV. Tornant a l'exemple de phpMyAdmin, aquesta comanda us permetria afegir-la novament amb una senzilla instrucció a la vostra terminal:

ddev get phpmyadmin

Ara bé: és l'únic add-on que podreu afegir? Ni molt menys. A data de la publicació d'aquest article, n'hi han 24 add-ons oficials i més de 100 entre oficials i no oficials.

Add-ons oficials

Executeu aquesta comanda per inspeccionar els 24 addons oficials de DDEV, els quals llistarem tot seguit:

ddev get --list
ddev/ddev-adminerAdminer service for DDEV*
ddev/ddev-browsersyncAuto-refresh HTTPS page on changes with DDEV*
ddev/ddev-cronSchedule commands to execute within DDEV*
ddev/ddev-drupal-contribDDEV integration for developing Drupal contrib projects*
ddev/ddev-drupal-solrDrupal Apache Solr installation for DDEV (please consider ddev/ddev-solr first)*
ddev/ddev-elasticsearchElasticsearch add-on for DDEV*
ddev/ddev-ioncubeIonCube loaders for DDEV*
ddev/ddev-memcachedInstall Memcached as an extra service in DDEV*
ddev/ddev-minioMinIO addon for DDEV*
ddev/ddev-mongoMongoDB add-on for DDEV*
ddev/ddev-opensearchOpenSearch add-on for DDEV*
ddev/ddev-pdfreactorPDFreactor service for DDEV*
ddev/ddev-phpmyadminphpMyAdmin Add-on For DDEV*
ddev/ddev-platformshAdd integration with Platform.sh hosting service*
ddev/ddev-proxy-supportSupport HTTP/HTTPS proxies with DDEV (obsolete)*
ddev/ddev-redisRedis service for DDEV*
ddev/ddev-redis-7Redis 7 service for DDEV*
ddev/ddev-redis-commanderRedis Commander for use with DDEV Redis service*
ddev/ddev-selenium-standalone-chromeA DDEV service for running standalone Chrome*
ddev/ddev-solrSolr service for DDEV*
ddev/ddev-sqlsrvMS SQL server add-on for DDEV*
ddev/ddev-typo3-solrUse Apache Solr (standalone) in your DDEV project *
ddev/ddev-varnishVarnish reverse proxy add-on for DDEV*
ddev/ddev-xhguiXHGui service for a DDEV project*

Add-ons no oficials

Pel que fa als add-ons no oficials, executeu aquesta altra comanda a la vostra terminal (trobareu el llistat tot seguit):

ddev get --list --all
2ndkauboy/ddev-elasticvueElasticvue service for DDEV
a11ywatch/ddev-a11ywatchA11yWatch ddev addon
b13/ddev-keycloakAdds a Keycloak service to ddev
b13/ddev-rabbitmqAdds a rabbitmq service to ddev
b13/ddev-stirling-pdfAdds Stirling PDF to ddev
biati-digital/ddev-wp-rename-tables-prefixA db command for DDEV to rename tables prefix of WordPress installations
brandonkramer/ddev-viteThis add-on simply adds a yaml config that exposes and routes the ports necessary to load up the Vite dev server.
bricebou/ddev-manticoresearchManticoresearch add-on for DDEV
bserem/ddev-selenium-standalone-firefoxA DDEV service for running standalone Firefox
bserem/ddev-typesenseWIP: Typesense addon for DDEV
carsten-walther/ddev-typo3-solrTYPO3 solr configuration
catch56/ddev-ganderGander - preconfigured OpenTelemetry stack with Grafana Tempo / Prometheus for performance testing
ChromaticHQ/ddev-dblogEasily view your db's general_log in ddev
claudiu-cristea/ddev-virtuosoVirtuoso triplestore installation for DDEV
dave-reid/ddev-drupal-contrib-devProvides a way to do contributed module development using Git clones and symlinks
dermatz/ddev-woodoo-buildtools-magentoddev Addon to build Magento projects without headache
DiffyWebsite/ddev-diffyDiffy integration with DDEV
eakcize/ddev-timescaledbTimeScaleDB with Mongo and MySQL FDWs
eakcize/ddev-timescaledb-with-mongo-and-mysql-fdwDDev plugin for timescaleDb (PostregeSQL plugin) which is set to work with mongo and mysql trough foreign data wrappers for psql.
echavaillaz/ddev-gotenbergGotenberg service for DDEV.
envsa/ddev-pnpmAdd pnpm to DDEV
feuertelegraph/ddev-firebirdFirebird database for DDEV
fwust/ddev-clamavClamAV integration for DDEV
gebruederheitz/ddev-headless-chromeSetup a running headless chrome service for ddev
gebruederheitz/ddev-taskfileProvide taskfile.dev for ddev projects
GetDKAN/ddev-dkanDDEV add-on for DKAN.
gschrisstadler/ddev-snowflake-odbcSnowflake ODBC Extension for PHP
haase-fabian/ddev-neosneos environment variables for ddev
hanoii/ddev-pimp-my-shellA collection of tools I like to have on ddev.
hanoii/ddev-readmeAn opinionated README formatter
hanoii/ddev-sshdInstall ssh server on the web container
iamntz/ddev-rename-projectddev addon to rename a project
iljapolanskis/ddev-buggregatorBuggregator service for DDEV (similar to Ray, but free)
JanoPL/ddev-kibanaKibana add-on for DDEV
javivf/ddev-keycloakKeycloak service for DDEV
julienloizelet/ddev-playwrightPlaywright add-on for ddev
julienloizelet/ddev-portainerPortainer add-on for ddev
justafish/ddev-drupal-core-devddev addon for core development
kevinquillen/ddev-meilisearchMeilisearch is a flexible and powerful user-focused search engine that can be added to any website or application. This is an add on for DDEV so you can run and develop integrations for, locally.
kevinquillen/ddev-typesenseTypesense is a modern, privacy-friendly, open source search engine meticulously engineered for performance & ease-of-use. This is an add on for DDEV so you can run and develop integrations for, sense locally.
Lullabot/ddev-playwrightIntegrate Playwright tests into your ddev app
machine-rc/ddev-dotnet.NET service for ddev stack
machine-rc/ddev-frontend-nextjsNextJS Drupal Frontend application for ddev stack
machine-rc/ddev-graphqlGraphQL service for ddev stack
machine-rc/ddev-pythonDDEV addon for python
madebydaniz/ddev-orthancOrthanc service for DDEV
mandrasch/ddev-addon-statamic-pleaseDDEV addon for statamics please-command.
mattocchi/ddev-db-mssqlAdditional MS Sql Server Service for DDEV
MelaineGerard/ddev-directusA simple DDEV addon that add Directus on your project
Metadrop/ddev-aljibeDDEV Aljibe (ddev-aljibe) is an add-on for DDEV to develop Drupal projects with many tools included out-of-the-box
mmunz/ddev-backstopjsddev addon to provide a backstopjs container for visual regression testing
Morgy93/ddev-bunIncredibly fast JavaScript runtime, bundler, test runner, and package manager - all in one for DDEV
Morgy93/ddev-gumA tool for glamorous shell scripts like DDEV web commands
MurzNN/ddev-grafanaGrafana Stack addon for DDEV: Grafana (GUI), Prometheus (metrics), Tempo (tracing, OpenTelemetry), Loki (logs, promtail)
MurzNN/ddev-pgadminpgAdmin Add-on For DDEV: PostgreSQL database management web interface
netz98/ddev-n8nddev addon to run n8n low-code platform (middleware)
netz98/ddev-qdrantddev qdrant
nireneko/ddev-mkdocsMKdocs add-on for DDEV
oblakstudio/ddev-xhgui-proXHGui addon for DDEV - batteries included.
penyaskito/ddev-hugoddev addon for Hugo static site generator https://gohugo.io https://ddev.com
reloxx13/ddev-swagger-uiSwagger UI add-on for DDEV
rfay/ddev-drushonhostDDEV Add-on to Allow using drush on the host
rfay/ddev-php-patch-buildBuild a patch version of PHP for use with DDEV
rpkoller/ddev-spidergramUse Spidergram within DDEV
sebastian-ehrling/ddev-opensearchOpensearch add-on for DDEV
skeemer/ddev-wkhtmltoxInstalls wkhtmltopdf and wkhtmltoimage, with patched Qt, into the web service.
ssmarco/ddev-apache-tikaDDEV Apache Tika
ssmarco/ddev-enterprise-searchElastic Enterprise Search service for DDEV
Tapkaros-rs/ddev-stripeDdev addon for stripe
thunder/ddev-selenium-chromeSelenium standalone for ddev
thursdaybw/ddev-tightvncTightVNC server for DDEV
torenware/ddev-viteserveAn add-on to run the Vite dev server from inside the DDEV environment.
torhoehn/ddev-opensearchOpensearch add-on for ddev
torhoehn/ddev-typesenseTypesense add-on for ddev
tyler36/ddev-cypressCypress E2E testing for use with DDEV
tyler36/ddev-dbslowHelper to log "slow" queries
tyler36/ddev-gitpod-setupHelper add-on to add Gitpod config.
tyler36/ddev-laravel-queueStart a Laravel queue worker automatically in DDEV
tyler36/ddev-localeChange a DDEV project's timezone and language.
tyler36/ddev-php-dumperCollect and manage 'dump' information in Docker Desktop
tyler36/ddev-qrHelper command to generate qr-codes for DDEV, DDEV share and Gitpod URLs
tyler36/ddev-storybookHelpers for DDEV and Storybook
tyler36/ddev-tinkerAn addon for DDEV that providers a single command to access a runtime developer console.
tyler36/ddev-viteBasic Vite implementation for DDEV
tyler36/ddev-vscode-devcontainerOpen a DDEV container in VSCode
valicm/ddev-dynamodbDynamoDB container for DDEV

Exemples d'ús

Una vegada hem vist tots els add-ons, recordeu que a continuació de ddev get podeu escriure el nom llarg de l'add-on, el nom curt o bé el propietari/nom del repositori (owner/repository). Agafarem l'add-on de Redis com a exemple. Aquestes són les comandes vàlides per afegir-ho al vostre DDEV:

ddev get redis
ddev get ddev-redis
ddev get ddev/ddev-redis

Vist tot això, us convidem a explorar per vosaltres mateixos la comanda ddev get i portar la vostra instal·lació de DDEV a un altre nivell.

Sobre l'autor/a

Joan Galtés i Moreno

Desenvolupador full-stack, especialitzat en Drupal des de 2008. M'agrada concebre i desenvolupar tant el back-end com el front-end en tots els meus projectes. Entusiasta de les noves tecnologies, amb un bon domini de PHP, MySQL, Git, Javascript, HTML 5, SASS i CSS 3, posant molt d'èmfasi en la usabilitat i l'accessibilitat de tot allò que desenvolupo.


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